What’s the best time to visit Cusco?

Something that many people overlook when planning their trips is the season in which they will visit the different places. Although some destinations have sun and pleasant weather for most of the year, others vary significantly between seasons; the same is true of the tourism they receive. Cusco is no exception to this, so planning well to visit this wonderful city is essential.

Mainly, I enjoy Cusco at any time of the year, but that is because I have no problems with the cold weather. Still, I know that not all of us are the same, and that is why in this article, I will try to answer questions regarding the weather and the stations in Cusco and, in this way, try to help you when deciding to plan your adventure in Cusco.

  1. When does it rains in Cusco?
  2. What are the seasons in Cusco?
    1. Rainy season:
    2. Dry season:

When does it rains in Cusco?

First, we must know that the seasons in Cusco are divided into two: the rainy season, which runs from November to March, and the dry season, which runs from April to October. This is referential since precipitation can occur at any time of the year, although it is usually rare.

Something that you should keep in mind is that, depending on the months, the amount of tourism that arrives in Cusco can increase significantly, which is seen mainly between June to August. So the most recommended, in case you want to avoid crowds, is to visit Cusco in the months that are in the dry season, but with less influx of public.

What are the seasons in Cusco?

Rainy season:

Although only a few people like the rains, they are vital to the area’s agriculture and provide water to many parts of the region. Until about 10+ years ago, we could be guided by the changes of the seasons, since these were very marked and within everything, the months of the seasons were respected, which for hundreds of years they made people adapt very well to these (e.g. planting and harvest dates, times of construction, etc.)

Unfortunately, and as in the rest of the world, the impact of global warming and other factors have caused the areas of the Andes to be strongly affected by meteorological phenomena that bring destruction, extreme situations and, in some cases, death. This is also reflected in the delay of the seasons (rainy seasons) since agriculture depends directly on this.

Suppose the rainy season is delayed (as it was in 2022). In that case, the crops of the various products will not reach maturity on time and before the frost season, causing almost the entire crop to be lost. This has negatively impacted local producers since agriculture is their livelihood and their families.

Something to consider is that during the rainy season, the temperature oscillates between 17°C-25°C, so enjoying the city during this season is possible.

Dry season:

In 2023 Machu Picchu closed its entrance to the public from January 21 to February 11 due to the political crisis that the country was going through; this was an extraordinary measure that had not happened in the past. You must know that Machu Picchu usually is open throughout the year.

Published by justcruisingaroundo

Just a blog about all things Cuzco (Cusco), where I want to share all the experiences I've had and information I've collected living and working there in different fields of tourism.

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