Best VPN for Cusco and all your travels!

Using a VPN is crucial for everyone, not just frequent travellers. Your personal data is at risk of being stolen even when you are in the safety of your own home. Data breaches can happen anywhere, so taking precautions is essential.

  1. What is a VPN?
  2. Why do I need a VPN?
  3. Internet Service Provider and Data Retention
  4. Do I need a VPN?
  5. Using TunnelBear

What is a VPN?

Why use it? To shield your personal info from prying eyes, like marketers, the government, or cyber-criminals. It’s not just about passwords; it’s your Google searches, website visits, shopping, and online activities. A VPN keeps your online life private.

Without one, others can collect loads of data about you, which could lead to ads, scams, or even harm. A VPN’s main job is to guard your online privacy and keep your internet life genuinely private.

Why do I need a VPN?

With the increasing number of cyber-attacks and viruses, people have become more aware of the dangers of visiting websites. Nowadays, privacy concerns are the biggest threat. While some devices may have antivirus protection, few have built-in privacy safeguards.

Maintaining online privacy should be a top priority, and utilising a VPN is essential in achieving this goal. By encrypting internet traffic, a VPN offers an additional layer of protection, making it significantly harder for intrusive entities to monitor online activities. Therefore, it’s imperative to use a VPN and always safeguard your privacy.

Internet Service Provider and Data Retention

Think of your ISP (Internet Service Provider) as your gateway to the Internet. It’s like the bridge between your devices and the web when you connect to Wi-Fi.

Now, here’s the exciting part: your ISP acts a bit like your friendly, or maybe not-so-friendly, internet observer. It sees everything you do online – the websites you visit, the words you type, and even your emails and messages. It’s a watchful eye, recording all your online activities, including this very moment as you’re reading this.

In some places, there are rules that make ISPs keep this data for a while, but in most countries, they can willingly share it with the government or pretty much anyone who asks. And depending on where you live, they might even sell some of your data. They know all sorts of things about you, from your favourite stuff to who you talk to the most.

Do I need a VPN?

Now, picture this: every device connected to the internet has something called an IP address (Internet Protocol Address). It’s basically your online home address, telling the internet where you are, just like your regular postal address, but for the digital world.

TunnelBear gives you a fresh online address and wraps you in a cozy digital cloak, like a secret online hideout with a new identity. So, those annoying advertisers can’t figure out who you are or where you’re at. But wait, there’s more!

TunnelBear is like having a guardian angel that stops you from visiting shady websites that could give your device nasty viruses or malware. Plus, it plays goalie against those sneaky online trackers used by advertisers, so they can’t follow you all over the internet with their ads. Nice, right?

Using TunnelBear

What’s great is that it’s super easy to use. I’ve even shared it with my mother, uncles, and aunts worldwide, and guess what? They’re all over 65, and they’ve taken to it like ducks to water!

Published by justcruisingaroundo

Just a blog about all things Cuzco (Cusco), where I want to share all the experiences I've had and information I've collected living and working there in different fields of tourism.

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