Ayahuasca and San Pedro Ceremonies in Cusco

Cusco is a land of ancient mystique, where history, culture, and spirituality intertwine to create an atmosphere of wonder and enchantment. Amidst the towering Andean peaks and the remnants of the Inca Empire, you’ll find more than just breathtaking landscapes and historical marvels. Cusco is also a hub for spiritual seekers, drawn to the city’s sacred rituals and ceremonies involving Ayahuasca and San Pedro. In this article, we’ll dig into the mystical world of these ceremonies, providing insights into what to expect, how to prepare, and the profound experiences that await those who embark on these spiritual journeys.

  1. The Call of the Sacred Plants
    1. Ayahuasca
    2. San Pedro
  2. Choosing the Right Ceremony
    1. Research
    2. Intentions
    3. Safety
    4. Shamanic Tradition
    5. Duration
    6. Group Size
  3. Preparing for the Journey
    1. Diet
    2. Mental Preparation
    3. Physical Preparation
    4. Pack Mindfully
    5. Meditate
  4. The Ceremony Experience
    1. Setting
    2. Shaman or Facilitator
    3. Music and Chants
    4. Consumption
    5. Personal Journey
    6. Healing and Integration
  5. The Profound Transformations
  6. Challenges and Considerations
  7. Respect and Gratitude
  8. Conclusion

The Call of the Sacred Plants

Before we delve into the ceremonies, it’s essential to understand the significance of Ayahuasca and San Pedro in the spiritual traditions of Peru. These sacred plants have been used for thousands of years by indigenous communities for healing, insight, and connection with the spiritual realm.


Known as “the vine of the soul,” Ayahuasca is a brew made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria Viridis plant. When combined, these plants create a powerful psychoactive brew that induces altered states of consciousness. Ayahuasca is revered for its ability to provide deep spiritual insights, emotional healing, and a profound connection with nature and the cosmos.

San Pedro

Also referred to as “Huachuma,” San Pedro is a cactus native to the Andes. It has been used by indigenous cultures for millennia and is known for its mescaline content. San Pedro ceremonies are often conducted during the day and are associated with a sense of clarity, heart-opening, and connection with the earth. The cactus is believed to have healing and visionary properties.

Choosing the Right Ceremony

If you’re intrigued by the idea of participating in an Ayahuasca or San Pedro ceremony, it’s important to choose the right experience for you. In Cusco, there are various retreat centres and shamanic practitioners who facilitate these ceremonies.

This point is extremely important since there are people in the city who offer these types of experiences without any prior preparation and within a single day. Most of these people are driven by profit, and tourists are generally unaware of the ingredients used in these ceremonies. It’s not uncommon for tourists to pay high prices for an experience that is not even close to what they claim to offer and have no respect for the cultural traditions and significance of the ceremony. Here are a few factors to consider when selecting a ceremony:


Do your research and read reviews about the retreat centres and facilitators. Seek recommendations from those who have previously participated in the ceremonies.


Clarify your intentions for the ceremony. Are you seeking healing, personal growth, spiritual insight, or all of the above? Communicate your intentions with the facilitator.


Ensure that the facilitator or retreat centre follows safety guidelines and provides a safe and supportive environment for participants.

Shamanic Tradition

Some ceremonies may be rooted in traditional shamanic practices, while others incorporate a fusion of indigenous and modern approaches. Choose the tradition that resonates with you.


Ceremonies can vary in length, with some lasting just a few hours and others spanning multiple days. Consider the time commitment that aligns with your goals.

Group Size

Decide whether you prefer a more intimate ceremony with a small group of participants or a larger gathering.

Preparing for the Journey

Embarking on an Ayahuasca or San Pedro ceremony is not to be taken lightly. These experiences can be intense and transformative, and adequate preparation is crucial. Here’s how to prepare for your journey:


Many retreat centres and facilitators recommend adhering to a specific diet before the ceremony. This typically involves avoiding alcohol, caffeine, sugar, processed foods, and certain medications for a designated period to purify the body.

Mental Preparation

Set clear intentions for the ceremony. Reflect on what you hope to gain from the experience and be open to the insights and healing it may bring.

Physical Preparation

Engage in physical activities, such as yoga or meditation, to prepare your body and mind. Exercise, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and ensure you’re in good physical health.

Pack Mindfully

Bring a water bottle, any medications you may need, a notebook for journaling, and an open heart.


Practice meditation and self-reflection to cultivate a sense of inner calm and readiness for the journey.

Based on my personal experience, I was eager to participate in the ayahuasca ceremony that was to be held in the jungle many years ago. However, I should have paid more attention to the recommendations, diet, and necessary preparation.

I thought everything would work out just fine, but when I reached the shaman, he surprised me by saying I was not ready yet to receive the plant. The shaman told me that I would receive the plant’s call and that only I would know when it was my time. Years later, and after going through various life experiences, I finally felt that ‘call’ and started preparing myself in different aspects so that I could participate in the ceremony.

The Ceremony Experience

Now, let’s explore what you can expect during an Ayahuasca or San Pedro ceremony in Cusco:


Ceremonies typically take place in a sacred space, often in nature or within the retreat centre. The ambience is carefully curated to create a safe and spiritual environment.

Shaman or Facilitator

A shaman or facilitator guides the ceremony. They are experienced in working with the sacred plants and help participants navigate the experience.

Music and Chants

Ceremonies often include traditional music, chants, and singing, which play a vital role in guiding the experience.


Participants drink Ayahuasca or San Pedro under the guidance of the shaman. The brew’s taste can be challenging for some, but it’s part of the ritual.

Personal Journey

The ceremony is a deeply personal journey, and each participant’s experience is unique. You may encounter visions, emotions, and insights that are meaningful to you.

Healing and Integration

The ceremony can bring forth healing and personal growth. It’s essential to integrate the experience afterwards, and many retreat centres offer support for this process.

The Profound Transformations

Participating in an Ayahuasca or San Pedro ceremony can lead to profound transformations, both during and after the experience.

First we need to understand that Ayahuasca and San Pedro are two sacred plant medicines used in ceremonial contexts, offering profound opportunities for self-discovery. Participants frequently attain a deeper understanding of themselves and their life’s purpose, along with the potential for emotional and physical healing that can bring relief from trauma, depression, and anxiety.

These plant medicines often facilitate spiritual insights, fostering a profound sense of connection to a higher power, the universe, and the interconnectedness of all life. In particular, San Pedro is renowned for its ability to confer clarity and insight, enabling individuals to obtain a fresh perspective on their lives. The experience can catalyze personal growth, improve relationships, and engender a greater sense of purpose.

Challenges and Considerations

It’s important to be aware of the potential challenges that Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies may present, even though they can be deeply transformative.

During a psychedelic ceremony, participants may confront intense and sometimes challenging emotions, along with physical sensations that can include discomfort or purging, like vomiting or diarrhoea, seen as a purging of negative energies. The insights and experiences obtained in the ceremony often necessitate time and support for their proper integration into daily life. To ensure a safe and supportive environment, it is crucial to select a reputable facilitator or retreat centre.

Respect and Gratitude

Participating in Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies in Cusco is a profound and sacred experience. As you embark on this journey, it’s crucial to approach it with respect, humility, and gratitude. These ceremonies are deeply rooted in indigenous traditions and the wisdom of the Andes, and the spirits of the plants are considered sacred.

Remember that the healing and insights you receive during these ceremonies are gifts. It’s essential to honour the experience and carry the lessons learned into your daily life. Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to connect with the ancient wisdom of these sacred plants and the spiritual traditions of the Andes.

On my trip to Pucallpa, a city in the Peruvian Amazon, a few years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting a few foreigners who were deeply interested in Ayahuasca. They had been participating in ceremonies and learning from indigenous communities for several years. This experience demonstrated to me that there are people from all around the globe who are interested in these spiritual and transformative ceremonies. However, it is crucial to learn the appropriate way to practice them, in order to respect the culture and traditions of the indigenous people.

Furthermore, if you are in Cusco and interested in experiencing any of these ceremonies, you can always contact Bloody Bueno, who will organize these experiences either in Cusco or in the jungle. So, don’t hesitate to get in touch with them!


Cusco, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, provides a fitting backdrop for the profound Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies. These sacred rituals offer a unique opportunity to explore your inner self, experience deep healing, and connect with the spiritual essence of the Andes. If you’re drawn to the idea of a transformative journey, do your research, prepare thoughtfully, and approach the experience with an open heart and a reverence for the traditions of this mystical land. The path to self-discovery and spiritual growth may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable, and the memories will stay with you for a lifetime. Embrace the mystical and embark on a journey of a lifetime in Cusco, Peru.

Published by justcruisingaroundo

Just a blog about all things Cuzco (Cusco), where I want to share all the experiences I've had and information I've collected living and working there in different fields of tourism.

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